A service oriented 4GL
approach to Java application

making your life easier

A revolutionary approach to Java Application Development
Key Features

The application editor is used to set application properties, design the layout of your application, add bespoke renderers, define application menus and set visual attributes

You can create referenced blocks and LOV Definitions and Object Groups within their own specifically designed editors and then reference them within your forms. Design once, use everywhere

The forms editor is a very powerful editor and is the main editor that you use when building your application. The editor includes, previewers, property sections, wizards and access to all of your application components

Change the look and feel of your application widgets using the application css theme file as well as using the EntireJ Visual Attributes

Generate database services and pojos using EntireJ’s powerful service generation wizards

You are not limited to the EntireJ default renderers. EntireJ enables you to build and seamlessly integrate your own renderers into EntireJ
Six reasons why you should be using EntireJ Forms
One Editor for Multiple client Frameworks
Generate database services and pojos using EntireJ’s powerful service
generation wizards
Dramatically reduced development effort
The EntireJ forms editor is used to construct your entire GUI. Java development is used primarily for business logic, therefore you are concentrating on the business logic instead of complicated GUI code
No need to learn different client frameworks
EntireJ shields developers from complicated client technologies. You develop in Java and let EntireJ handle the GUI code
Separate the client from the business logic
EntireJ follows a strict model view controller pattern to ensure full decoupling from application GUI’s and the business logic
If your application requires a renderer that is not present in EntireJ, it can be built and integrated seamlessly into the EntireJ development environment
Support from the Source
Our developers are our support team. All developers are active project and EntireJ developers. They know EntireJ inside out and how it should be used within projects