A service oriented 4GL
approach to Java application

making your life easier
All visual components of an EntireJ application are displayed using Renderers. Renderers come in many shapes and forms and for different parts of an application. The Application Renderers page within the application.ejprop editor is the place to add or change the renderers for an application
Renderers are the GUI elements that users interacts with. Every graphical element of an application is made available to the application through a given renderer. The Renderers themselves do not belong to the EntireJ core and can be different across the different type of Client Frameworks. If an application requires data to be displayed differently then a renderer can be creaed and assigned to the application by adding it in the application.ejprop file giving it a name. The name is what is added to each form where the renderer is to be used. This means that renderers can completely changed without having to make modifications to the place where it is being used

Block/Item Renderers
EntireJ comes equipped with a vast array of renderers including:
Block Renderers:
Table Renderer
Tree Renderer
Tree Table Renderer
HTML Table Renderer
Item Renderers:
Text Item
TextArea Item
Number Item
Date Item
Date Time Item
Label Item
Button Item
Combo Item
List Item
Radio Item
CheckBox Item
Image Item
If however an application requires a new renderer then it can be written and added seelesly into any EntireJ application. EntireJ provides the necessary interfaces and you provide the source.
Component Renderers
A unique functionality belonging to EntireJ is the posibility to build an Application Layout. The application layout is for the entire application within which each entirej form runs. To buildthis layout, entirej uses Component Renderers. Existing renderers are:
Tab Form Container
Single Form Container
Stacked Form Container
Menu Tree
Form Toolbar
Status Bar